
Silver linings

WOD: 100' walking lunge, 21 pullups, 21 situps
100' walking lunge, 18 pullups, 18 situps
100' walking lunge, 15 pullups, 15 situps
100' walking lunge, 12 pullups, 12 situps
100' walking lunge, 9 pullups, 9 situps
100' walking lunge, 6 pullups, 6 situps

Today's workout from crossfit mainsite was completed in 15:10 with all reps done properly and careful attention shown to form. The one added bonus i had which i hope everyone can get throughout their lives was the amazing site of looking over the back of the gym and seeing the ominous glow of the floodlights and the torrential rain penetrating through it. It is hard to explain why it was so rewarding but it just was, i only wish i could have got the opportunity to take a picture of it, it actually made me look forward to each set of lunges which, with the feeling in my legs at the moment i was thankful for the added inspiration.

Tonight's post is only just an update with the bigger run through of my gym and its current and future equipment to come on the weekend, till then goodbye and good luck ...

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