
Muscle up

This photo is of my hand after yesterdays effort. Just to show where the ring should be held using the false grip to allow for a good transition into the dip.

WOD - for time 20 x 100kg squats
40 x Toes to bar
60 x 2pood kettlebell swings

This wod was a fair amount shorter than yesterdays hero challenge, my time was 14:50, not too bad considering the amount of work my legs have done in the last few days.

Just to touch on a few important things to do with crossfit, some workouts seem quite short and may appear to be under training if you do only the wod and nothing else. I implore you to make sure that every time you feel this way make sure you stretch, warm up practice, roll out, strap up, stretch again (not just for warming up muscle but to increase ROM as well) and you will see that to do a quick workout like Fran for 7 minutes can take up to 45 minutes of preparation.

there will be some info up about the garage this weekend as i plan to build and install the pullup bar by saturday


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