
turkish get up

MON 30/08/10
WOD 21,15,9 rep rounds for time of
45lb bar Turkish get ups + Scotts press

Today was a workout from crossfit HQ and it felt great to do a workout on the day i should. This was very demanding, on the TGU's i had to swap arms every rep and the right was fairly straight forward but the left was a different story altogether, i think i need to work on left shoulder stability and stamina.

The Turkish get up is an old time powerlifting training move where you must simultaneously hold an object in one hand, press it up (whilst laying on the floor), then get to your feet whilst holding the object overhead. The Scotts press is a shoulder press but you use a snatch width grip and complete the press whilst standing in the bottom hold of a squat, yes this is compoundily challenging after completing 21 turkish getups.

today i finished this workout in 21:37 and was just happy to have completed it as Rx'd.

I hope everyone has completed last nights homework and discovered the names of the back muscles involved in the deadlift; The Latissimus Dorsi and Trapezious. Remember these because i will refer to them from now on.

Homework for tonight will be to learn the Turkish Get up and Scotts press, look them up on www.crossfit.com or youtube and learn the form and technique.

Who hath not known ill fortune, never knew himself, or his own virtue.- Mallet

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