

SUN 29/08/10
WOD Back squat 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Today is a catch up of a crossfit HQ workout from a few days ago, it seems like every workout is a catch up lately and when i am on holidays from TAFE it's gunna be on!!!

I chose this pic for today because its really important to understand what goes on during a complex move like the deadlift, because even though it is complex it is extremely fundamental and developing proper technique is crucial to not only improving performance in the gym but also in everyday life now and especially in the future.

Your extra gym activities now will include learning about the body and physiology (first task is find out what physiology is!)

I'll post homework every post, which should be everyday and i'll do my best to keep that up.

Today's homework is to learn the names of the 2 large muscles of the back. These are synergist's in the deadlift .

"The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense."
- Thomas A. Edison

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