
Stabilise- to the max


MON 23/08/10
WOD: "Elizabeth"
21, 15, 9 rep rounds of Clean 60kg
Ring dips

Today i had the pleasure of Andrew accompany me in the box, i taught him a few of the crossfit fundamentals, assessed his present form and the scaled and completed a workout with him. Today i performed Elizabeth as Rx'd and made it in 8:36 and felt amazing.

My post today is about pain, working with it, past it and enjoying it. Weather you are riding 100km, doing 100 pullups, or completing a WOD if you are trying as you should be you encounter some pain, learning to love the pain is crucial to improving because if you simply train up to your pain threshold every time you will only get as fit as that limit will let you, there will be no reason to get fitter. By asking more of your body, weather that is more weight, more reps, better form, longer holds, higher jumps or faster times all this is related to pain. If you can learn to get past the initial onset of pain then you can demand that your body gets better.

And once again i would like to reiterate form, please take time next workout to ensure you are performing each rep as it should be done, no slacking off; open up your hips on a box jump, get parallel on your squats, get under the bar fully in the clean.

“The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

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