

WED 25-08-10
WOD 400m walking lunge for time

Tonights WOD was from the crossfit main site a few days ago and although i didn't actually participate i think this workout is a great addition to the program because it it a break for the cardiovascular system and focuses on balance, agility and co-ordination as apposed to speed, strength, power and endurance.

I would also tonight love to recommend a new website by the one and only Kelly Starrett, he has started a new blog that is of very similar setup to this website (his is better in every detail) but follows a daily entry with a WOD to do, His WODs are based solely on mobility and for just about every one of you out there this is an issue in your training, and here is the solution; Daily WOD to help improve all areas of mobility like tendon, ligament tightness, muscular inflexibility, pain and soreness

so i will add a link to his site on the blog and please let me know what you think, also let him know!

"And for crying out loud. Don't go into the pain cave. I can't stress this enough. Your Totem Animal won't be in there to help you. You'll be on your own. The Pain Cave is for cowards.
Pain is your companion, don't go hide from it". - Kelly Starrett.

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