

THU 15/07/10

WOD - Rest

Today i scheduled an impromptu rest day to just hang out at home, cook a nice meal, walk the dogs (photos to come) and watch some TV, i know this may not seem like the thing to do to improve fitness but it actually very important. You need to listen to your body and sometimes the best thing for overall progress is rest. Rest allows you to recover, recuperate, refocus, plan, study, get hungry and excited about the workouts to come.

Also i will talk about another piece of equipment that every gym should have and that is the Olympic bar, essential to Olympic lifting and power moves like the row, squat and deadlift. I purchased my bar from Workout world in Campbelltown for $200 and it has served me very well in all of my workouts without fail. However i will be purchasing a much smoother bearing type bar in the future some time as my desire to improve at the Olympic lifts increases. Possible options at the moment are Ironedge - Pendalay men's training bar or York - Men's training bar.

I wont bore you guys any more until i have some photos to go along with all this.

"Find your weakness, embrace it then make it your bitch" - Rob Wolff

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