
cfingleburn hq

WOD - rest
Following the crossfit philosophy rest is scheduled for today after 3 consecutive days of training. This 3 on 1 off regime has many benefits, firstly it is heavy enough volume to allow the short very intense workouts to be as effective as they are. Secondly it plans rest as to avoid over training which is a very real possibility when a beginner has all the excitement and none of the experience needed to understand how much training is too much. I'll cover the signs to look out for in regards to over training in a later post

As the photo shows my gym is very confined and limited at the moment, soon i will go through what i have, need and plan to build. Also how i arrange equipment and where i perform various exercises. There will be plenty of photos to come as well as a few videos

Remember atmosphere will overcome poor programming and atmosphere can be created, so with that go out; create, design and build.

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