
The squat

MON 09/08/10
WOD: Practice as many variations of the squat as you can for 45min

Today is free time to practice with the squat: Some variations include
Back squat
Front squat
Overhead squat
Zercher squat
Dumbell squat
Squat snatch
Squat clean
Air squat
One legged squat (pistol)
Jump squat
Wall squat
Sumo squat
Split squat
Hack squat
Sissy squat
Wide, narrow, deep, Shallow.

Give yourself a point for every different variation you expose yourself to and post points to comments.

Remember to keep the toes in front of the knees, Core tight, head and back aligned, spine neutral, legs steady and hips below parallel. Pull the bar down when rising, drive through the heels and exhale at the top.

"The (parallel) Squat provides not only strength, but speed, explosive power and
muscular endurance. In my opinion, it is the most important strength exercise for
athletes." - Bill Kroll, Strength and Conditioning Coach, University of Illinois.

Goodluck with the creativity.

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