

FRI 27/08/10
WOD "Fran" - 21, 15, 9 of 95lb thrusters

Today was a bit of a "train what feels good day", Andrew was at the box again and for his early testing he took on a scaled version of the great Crossfit benchmark, Fran.

I myself then felt compelled to have a stab at Fran and this time my form was near spot on (maybe one or two slightly shy pullups and not enough depth in the thrusters) but this workout i completed in 9:36, which is a whole minute faster than my previous attempt, YAY.

On that note i would like to talk about safety, when attempting a workout is is important to consider 3 things
1: choose weight and reps that will allow you to complete the workout without hurting any muscle, ligament or tendon.
2: Research before you try a new move, practice it with light weight and outside of a timed WOD to ensure you know what you are doing is not going to damage any structure within you.
3: Warm up properly by completing this warmup every time you are going to train or even stretch
2 rounds;
10 pushups
10 situps
10 overhead squats with pvc or broomstick
10 lunging steps
10 pullups
10-15 sec of the "samson stretch"
(samson stretch is a lunge with the fingers interlaced overhead, palms toward the sky and chest out pushing as deep and high as possible.)

So until next time good luck and remember to love the pain(as long as it's the right type.. hehe)

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."
- Abraham Lincoln

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