
gettin some

SUN 08-08-10
WOD: AMRAP 20 min
85kg back squat x 7
45lb dumbell overhead lunge x 10 steps (holding in right hand)
burpees x 7
45lb dumbell overhead lunge x 10 steps (holding in left hand)

Today i squeezed a workout in around all my TAFE work and it felt excellent to be back on the horse again, it is so hard to find time but so rewarding. I managed to get 5 rounds today plus up to the third burpees of round 6.

All i can fit into tonight's post is a little advice on creating your own space which i realised today. its not about where you train, who else is there, how expensive or shiny the equipment is or who else has trained there before, its about you, the weight, your own mind, your own self doubt and giving everything to a purpose, weather that be to get fitter, loose weight or heal an injury.

And i really want to make an open promise to all those listening and say that next year I'm going to enter the city to surf in Sydney and get a time less than 2 hours.

My final words are just always remember go hard, don't just say it, DO IT!!!

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
-Theodore Roosevelt

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