WOD: 3 rounds for time of
Run 1km
10 muscle ups
100 squats
Today the wod was completed at Macquarie fields leisure centre for one of the few remaining times i will be attending this facility. Very soon i will be attending TAFE to get my personal training qualifications under way and as a result i will be moving my entire program to mickfit (my garage)... yay!!
The above photo is of one of the many crossfit affiliated gyms around the globe, it is what i aspire to obtain in the future where i can train, teach, grow, live, eat, work and do my thing!
Over the next few weeks and months as i have time i will post as much info as i can about the garage and how you can to build a crossfit specific (a bit of a juxtaposition i know) strength and conditioning facility in your very own area.
Tonight i will talk about one of the first items i purchased and that is the gymnastic rings (photos tomorrow) i got them from www.australiankettlebells.com.au and they were $85 and worth every penny. Rings allow you to perform a lot of the crossfit moves that can be substituted but really don't compare, like dips, pullups, push ups and muscle-ups (more on them soon) as well as ring specific moves like levers, cross, and l-sits. They suspend from anywhere like ceiling, deck, chinup bar, tree or a free standing rail. I believe rings are a very important addition to any gym. Only once you have experienced them you will truly know what I'm on about.
Run 1km
10 muscle ups
100 squats
Today the wod was completed at Macquarie fields leisure centre for one of the few remaining times i will be attending this facility. Very soon i will be attending TAFE to get my personal training qualifications under way and as a result i will be moving my entire program to mickfit (my garage)... yay!!
The above photo is of one of the many crossfit affiliated gyms around the globe, it is what i aspire to obtain in the future where i can train, teach, grow, live, eat, work and do my thing!
Over the next few weeks and months as i have time i will post as much info as i can about the garage and how you can to build a crossfit specific (a bit of a juxtaposition i know) strength and conditioning facility in your very own area.
Tonight i will talk about one of the first items i purchased and that is the gymnastic rings (photos tomorrow) i got them from www.australiankettlebells.com.au and they were $85 and worth every penny. Rings allow you to perform a lot of the crossfit moves that can be substituted but really don't compare, like dips, pullups, push ups and muscle-ups (more on them soon) as well as ring specific moves like levers, cross, and l-sits. They suspend from anywhere like ceiling, deck, chinup bar, tree or a free standing rail. I believe rings are a very important addition to any gym. Only once you have experienced them you will truly know what I'm on about.
By the way tonight's workout was completed in 01:04:42, which is a very long time, mostly due to by inability to do muscle-ups. The workout was not as intense as it should have been due to this technique related let down, endurance wasn't the issue rather too long spent preparing and psyching up for each rep.
Until tomorrow good luck and go hard
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